What Are You Struggling With?

Have you read articles, watched videos, and listened to podcasts but still aren’t sure exactly how to put all the pieces together?


Reduce Anxiety & Stress

Build competence in our approach by focusing on the areas of your program that move the needle the most.


Support Change

Using an evidence-based approach to facilitate therapeutic hormonal levels will help guide you toward your goals safely, effectively, and timely.


Gain Confidence

Whether it’s performance or habit stacking, hands-on coaching can help you lose weight and understand how to keep it off.

What To Do

Perhaps you don’t know what areas need attention. You’ve tried a few different methods. Maybe intermittent success here and there, but ready to start fresh?

Luke-Warm Results

Do you feel like you should be further along? Have you been at it for a minute with a physique that doesn’t precisely reflect the efforts thus far?

Missing the Mark

Let me help you set attainable goals and establish a sensible timeline that allows you to come in at your best.


Maybe you know what to do but are struggling to stay on track. Let’s assess where your efforts might fall short and develop solutions together.


Meal plan and/or target macros
Custom training + technical feedback
Target weekly rate of change
Supplementation guidance
Specified activity targets


Tailored assistance selecting compounds
Analysis of presumed risk
Feedback on prior use
Physique assessment
Interpretation of lab work


All Your Questions Answered:


Free Ebook Reveals 7 Essential Concepts to Female PED Use

How To Master the Art of Decision-Making
Your Essential Checklist to Making an Informed Choice
Unveil the Secrets to Safeguarding Your Health

Remove the Guesswork

My name is Cory Hageman. I’m an IFBB Bikini Pro fitness and performance coach, currently completing my education to become a registered nurse and founder of Cory Fit Coaching LLC.

I work with athletes and individuals from all backgrounds and demographics, coaching and consulting on applied physique sports performance and risk management.

My mission isn’t to inspire individuals to step on stage. With this growth comes a need and a responsibility to pull the veil back on the non-otc super supplements. I aim to clarify the widespread fallacies that comprise the current state of female PED use and understanding.

Regardless of background, every individual has the potential to attain their dream physique. But the idea of a dream physique continues to become warped as the physiques at the highest level of the sport evolve rapidly into something less and less attainable.

“You deserve to have a say in your body composition. I want to give that to you. ”

Change Starts with a Single Step

My mission isn’t just to help you gain muscle and lose fat—it’s also to give you the tools and knowledge you need to forge ahead in your fitness without me.

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